niedziela, 11 września 2011

The act of schizm?

The Priestly Brotherhood of St. Pius X is accused of schizm usually because of one reason: episcopal consecrations carried out by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 30 June 1988. It was, according to the modernists, the gravest act of insubordination to the Church, the Church which for 26 years tried to forget about Her identity. Is this act, however, may be recognised as schizmatic, which was in addition unfounded?

Above all, it is to be highlighted that Archbishop's decision was not quick, spontaneous. He thought about it for a long time, since 1983. Moreover, he did not stopped sending letters to the Holy See, asking for the papal mandate. He received diverse responses. From postponing the date of consecration for a few months "when will be more favourable conditions" to platitudes, giving no information. Yet, the Missionary of Africa has not surrender and corresponded with Holy Father, usually through card. Joseph Ratzinger. Along with the new responses moving the date, it became apparent that "the great defender of the human dignity" John Paul II does not intend to give his mandate, but simply waits until Archbishop dies. In that situation Marcel Lefebvre was forced to pass the gift of the full priesthood without the permission of the Vatican.

To take this step he was urged not only by the papal attitude. In these times in the Church the greater and greater blasphemies took place, meeting in Asissi at the head. The Archbishop was utterly bothered by it. He was fully aware, that He will not live forever on earth and without bishops the Brotherhood will collapse. Who will ordain new priests, if the ecclesiastical hierarchy is not trustworthy? Before making the final decision, He adviced numerous times his friends and people from various communities still devoted to the Tradition. Simultaneously He led negotiations with Rome, which kept Him awake at night, which unfortunately ended in failure. Eventually, 30 June 1988 came, the day of the consecrations. 10 thousands faithful, seminarians and priests gathered on the fields surrounding Econe. In the moment, when the papal mandate was to be read, significant words were spoken: "We have a mandate of the Roman Church, always faithful to the holy traditions passed through the Apostles." Mandate of the Church, which was not created in 3 years, but lasts for twenty centuries, the Church, which preaches Christ's Gospel, not striking up a friendship with the world, which ruler is satan (J 12,31; 14,30; 16,11). It was a hard ceremony for the Archbishop, as He knew what the consequences will be. But He also knew, that he acted justly. He had to help the true, autentic priesthood to survive. All in all, the Holy See agreed to consecrations, only postponing it, so he opined that there is no reason to think, that he takes actions against the Rome.

To sum up, any accusations towards Brotherhood or its bishops of schizm are unfounded and used only to frighten away the faithful. The Archbishop has always repeated, that He does not have any desire to do anything, what would be dircected against the Holy See. He consecrated 4 bishops without the mandate, because it was necessary for the survival of the Tradition. Moreover, he decided to make this step not until all other options failed. He acted, being in the state of emergency, what according to the new Code of Canon Law, frees from any ecclesiastical punishments. Apart from apparent spritual benefits for the Brotherhood, the consequences of his actions are issuing motu proprio Ecclesia Dei (1988), giving rise to the first indult communities and guaranteeing very few rights to the groups devoted to the "Tridentine" Mass, and motu proprio Summorum Pontificum (2007) liberating Mass in the classic Roman rite. After publishing the latter, places where usus antiquior is celebrated started to appear in great numbers (2314 places of celebration in 01.2011). Excommunications imposed on the 4 bishops consecrated by the Archbishop where taken off in the beginning of 2009. In the same year doctrinal talks between Econe and the Vatican were inaugurated, which are to explain discrepancies between the teachings of Brotherhood (it is the Tradition) and the teachings of Vaticanum II. Although the Church has to travel a long way, the events of the last five years present that She goes slowly, but consequently in the good direction. All of this would not happened if it was not for one hierarch, who loved God more, than career and reputation.

Tradidi quod et accepi...

(Most of information was taken from the biography of the Archbishop written by one of the consecrated bishops, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, titiled Marcel Lefebvre. La vie)

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