środa, 14 września 2011

Why quotation marks?

I am used to write few words in quotes. In this note I would like to explain why.

"traditionalism", "traditionalist" - these words are written, using qutation marks because so called catholic traditionalism is simply catholicism. This expression was thought up after the second vatican council to call people, who in contrary to modernists, calling themselves catholics, have not given in to the novelties introduced by the aforementioned council.

the "Tridentine" Mass - I always write this adjective in quotes, because it is quite an inaccurate expression. It suggests, that this Mass was created on/after the council in Trento (1545-1563), as the New Mass was after the second vatican council. It is not truth. The Mass sources from the liturgy of the first Christians and the Roman Missal issued by the pope Pius V is modified Missal used in the Roman diocese.

"pre-conciliar" Mass - as above. Defining the Mass of the pope Pius V as "pre-conciliar" is a mistake, because the New Mass was introduced in 1969, what is 4 years after the council.

To define the "Tridentine" Mass, "pre-conciliar" Mass I use terms such as:
Mass of st. Pius V, Mass in the classic Roman rite, extraordinary form of the Roman rite, traditional liturgy, usus antiquior.

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