wtorek, 17 maja 2011

Universae Ecclesiae - a comment.

And here it is. The long desired Instruction appeared yesterday. One thing is needed to admit: the quality of the document is good; above all it does not violate provisions included in the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum or its character (there were rumours in the Internet about such possibility). To elaborate on details of Universae Ecclesiae, I will use the text posted on the official Vatican site.

The first part of the Instruction, the introduction, consists mainly of the summary of the motu proprio, nihil novi. Only in the point 8. the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei explains the status of the papal document:

The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum constitutes an important expression of the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff and of his munus of regulating and ordering the Church’s Sacred Liturgy. The Motu Proprio manifests his solicitude as Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church, and has the aim of:
a.) offering to all the faithful the Roman Liturgy in the Usus Antiquior, considered as a precious treasure to be preserved;
b.) effectively guaranteeing and ensuring the use of the forma extraordinaria for all who ask for it, given that the use of the 1962 Roman Liturgy is a faculty generously granted for the good of the faithful and therefore is to be interpreted in a sense favourable to the faithful who are its principal addressees;
c.) promoting reconciliation at the heart of the Church.

This statement is strongly acquiescent for the faithful devoted to the classic Roman rite. The importance of Summorum Pontificum is splendidly highlighted considering it as an important expression of the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff. The universality of the right of all faithful, who crave to sanctify in this rite is also aptly reminded. 

In the second part of the document the competencies of the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei are specified. The Pope granted it ordinary vicarious power for the matters within its competence, in a particular way for monitoring the observance and application of the provisions of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum (point 9.). Its judgement is decisive in conflicts between bishops and laity, when the issue of the implementation of the motu proprio is touched. In the future it will also supervise the publication of liturgical texts associated with the Usus Antiquior. 

The third, and the last, part of the Instruction is dedicated to the detailed regulations concerning:

1) The competencies of the diocesan bishops:
 Bishops are to supervize the harmonious growth of the liturgical life of their domains. They also should take actions to provide the forma extraordinaria with the appropriate esteem

2) the stable group of faithful:
 Although it has not been precised how many members are required to form such group, the statement was made, that the faithful may come from different parishes, or even dioceses (point 15.), what is a substantial step forward. Another important information is, that pilgrims are allowed to hear the Mass in sanctuaries, when the able priest is found. In the end of this part there is also mentioned, that none of the groups asking for the Mass is allowed to negate the catholic character of the forma ordinaria or the position of the Pope in the Church.

3) the qualified priest:
Apart from apparent features (e.g. lack of canonical punishments) it was decided, that the priest does not need to know Latin perfectly. He should only be conscious of what he says. 

These provisions are not all, which are included in Universae Ecclesiae. I have highlighted only these, which were considered by me as important. For the lovers of monastic rites I may add, that in the point 34. the permission was given for celebrating Mass according to the orders' Missals, which were in use in 1962. In general, the Instruction is well-written and gives hope for the better future. Unfortunately, a jar appeared. According to the point 25. the revision of the classic rite's liturgical books, what is the main reason why I remain unenthusiastic about the Instruction.Nowadays, when the creativity of the priest is the most significant feature of the liturgy, when the rubrics are only the never-reached ideal, invading the most sacred rite, the symbol of stability would  be the most sacrilegious act. Nevertheless I believe that such mad initiatives will not come true and Universae Ecclesiae will bring only good fruits.

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