niedziela, 11 listopada 2012

The peculiarity of the Vaticanum II.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the beggining of the Second Vatican Council more and more often we hear how much this council has changed the Church, how much it was needed. Nobody will pay attention to one of the most characteristic features of this event, which is the most emphatic testimony of the "speciality" of this farce.
When, in 1563, the works of the Trident Council ended, pope Pius IV and his Successors immediately embarked on implementing its decisions. In 1566 the Roman Catechism was already published, in 1568 breviary and the Missal in 1570. It was possible thanks to the clarity and transparence of the language of the conciliar documents. There were no debates organised such as: "have the true teachings of Trident been revealed?" or "have the documents been correctly interpreted?" etc. Today it's different. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Vaticanum II many people still quarreled about what the council had really wanted to convey. And this is the peculiarity I mentioned in the title, because such a situation has not took place in the whole history of the Church. Difficulties, connected with the implementation of the Tridentine Council, which appeared in the following years were not the result of ambiguity of the documents, as it is the case of Vaticanum II, but of the resistance of then Europe to accept clearly defined Catholic doctrine.

środa, 31 października 2012

Co jest złego w aggiornamento?

Prawie cały świat zna powód, dla którego Jan XXIII zwołał II Sobór Watykański: aggiornamento - przystosowanie. Przystosowanie do świata, który w pierwszej połowie dwudziestego wieku przeszedł wielkie zmiany. Pomysł wydawał się być bez zarzutu, jednak z punktu widzenia Kościoła Katolickiego jest on absolutnie nie do zaakceptowania. Nasz Zbawiciel Jezus Chrystus jasno powiedział:  Teraz odbywa się sąd nad tym światem. Teraz władca tego świata zostanie precz wyrzucony. (J 12,31) oraz Już nie będę z wami wiele mówił, nadchodzi bowiem władca tego świata. Nie ma on jednak nic swego we Mnie. Ale niech świat się dowie, że Ja miłuję Ojca, i że tak czynię, jak Mi Ojciec nakazał. Wstańcie, idźmy stąd! (J 14,30-31) Święty Jakub dodaje: Cudzołożnicy, czy nie wiecie, że przyjaźń ze światem jest nieprzyjaźnią z Bogiem? Jeżeli więc ktoś zamierzałby być przyjacielem świata, staje się nieprzyjacielem Boga. (Jk 4,4)
A co zrobił Jan XXIII? Zwołał sobór, aby zaprzyjaźnić się ze światem.

Sapienti sat. 

Z okazji "święta" "reformacji". // On the occasion of the "feast" of "reformation". // In occasione della "festa" di "riformazione".

Jako że dzisiaj protestanci świętują jedno z najbardziej symbolicznych wydarzeń tzw. "reformacji" chciałem polecić wszystkim te filmy:
As today the protestants celebrate one of the most symbolic events of, so called, "protestant reformation" I would like to recommend these films to all:
Perchè oggi i protestanti celebrano uno dei eventi più simbolici della cosiddetto "riforma protestante" voglio racommandarvi questi film:
Trzyczęściowy film udowadniający za pomocą cytatów z Pisma Świętego fałszywość protestanckich poglądów (ang).
Three-part film proving by means of quotations from the Sacred Scripture falsehood of the protestant beliefs.
Un film in tre parti provante con aiuto delle citazioni dalla Santa Scrittura il falso delle opinioni prostestanti. (ing)

Chciałbym Wam także polecić filmy użytkownika "One True Church":
I would like to recommend also films of the user "One True Church":
Vorrei raccomandarvi anchè i film dell'utente "One True Church":
(ang, ing)

I te nakręcone przez "Church Militant TV":
And those shot by "Church Militant TV":
Ed questi girati da "Church Militant TV":

niedziela, 7 października 2012

Zwycięstwo Różańca. // The Victory of the Rosary. // La vittoria del Rosario.

Paolo Veronese, Bitwa pod Lepanto

Dokładnie 441 lat temu została stoczona bitwa pod Lepanto między flotą chrześcijańską (Ligą Świętą), a siłami muzułmańskimi. Była to reakcja państw katolickich na panoszące się coraz bardziej Imperium Osmańskie. W jej wyniku turecka flota została zniszczona, a wiele tysięcy muzułmanów dostało się do niewoli. Aby upamiętnić owo zwycięstwo, przypisane wstawiennictwu Maryi (przed bitwą szczególnie żarliwie modlono się na Różańcu) w 1572r. papież Pius V ogłosił, że dzień 7 października będzie obchodzony jako święto Matki Bożej Zwycięskiej, którego nazwę zmienił papież Grzegorz XIII w 1573r. na święto Matki Bożej Różańcowej. To wydarzenie pokazuje, że Maryja czuwa nad Kościołem nie tylko duchowo. Gdy zachodzi taka potrzeba, ukazuje widzialnie potęgę swojego wstawiennictwa. Warto pamiętać o tym zwłaszcza dzisiaj, kiedy fale wyznawców Allaha zalewają niegdyś katolicką Europę. Nie ważna jest przewaga liczebna. Zwycięży Bóg, a to zwycięstwo przyjdzie przez Maryję.

Exactly 441 years ago the battle of Lepanto was waged between the Christian fleet (the Holy League) and the muslim forces. It was the reaction of Catholic states to the Ottoman Empire, throwing its weight about. As a result, the Turkish fleet was destroyed and thousands of Muslims were taken prisoners. To commemorate the victory, attributable to Blessed Virigin Mary (before the battle people most ardently prayed on Rosary) in 1572 Pope Pius V announced the day 7 October to be celebrated as the feast of Saint Mary Victorious, whose name changed Pope Gregory XIII in 1573 to Our Lady of Rosary. This battle highlights the fact that Mary keeps a vigil at the Church not only spiritually. If need be, She demonstrates visibly the power of Her mediation. It is worth remembering especially today, when masses of Allah believers overwhelm once Catholic Europe. Numerical superiority does not matter. God will win through Mary.

Accuratamente 441 anni fa ha avuto luogo la battaglia di Lepanto tra la flotta Cristiana (Lega Santa) e forze islamiche. C'era la reazione dei paesi cattolici per Imperio Ottomano facente il buono e il cattivo tempo. Di conseguenza flotta turca è stata distrutta e mila dei islamici sono stati presi prigionieri. Per commemorare la vittoria il Papa Pio V nel 1572 ha annunciato 7 ottobre la festa di Santa Maria della Vittoria. Nel 1573 il Suo successore, Papa Gregorio XIII ha cambiato il nome per Santa Maria del Rosario. La battaglia accentua il fatto, che Maria sorveglia la Chiesa non solo spiritualmente. Quando è bisogno, Lei mostra visibilmente il potere della Sua mediazione. Dobbiamo ricordarlo oggi, quando mila dei fedeli d'Allah stanno arrivando nel Europa. Preponderanza numerica non è importante. Vincerà Dio e la vittoria arriverà grazie a Maria.

czwartek, 20 września 2012

Fenomen soboru.

Z okazji pięćdziesiątej rocznicy rozpoczęcia II Soboru Watykańskiego coraz częściej będziemy słyszeć o tym jak bardzo ten sobór zmienił Kościół, jak bardzo był potrzebny. Nikt nie zwróci uwagi na jedną z najbardziej charakterystycznych cech tego wydarzenia, która jest najbardziej dobitnym świadectwem "wyjątkowości" tej hucpy. Otóż gdy w 1563r. zakończono obrady Soboru w Trydencie papież Pius IV oraz Jego następcy natychmiast zaczęli wdrażać jego postanowienia w życie. Już w 1566r. opublikowano  Katechizm Rzymski, w 1568r. brewiarz, a w 1570r. Mszał. Było to możliwe dzięki temu, iż dokumenty soborowe były napisane jasnym, jednoznacznym językiem. Nikt nie prowadził debat "czy prawdziwe nauczanie Trydentu zostało odkryte?", "czy poprawnie zinterpretowano zapisy soboru?" itd. itp. Dzisiaj jest inaczej. W przededniu pięćdziesiątej rocznicy Soboru Watykańskiego II wiele osób spiera się o to, czego naprawdę nauczał sobór. I to jest jego fenomen, gdyż taka sytuacja nigdy nie miała miejsca w ponad dwutysiącletniej historii Kościoła. Trudności z wdrożeniem postanowień soboru trydenckiego, które zaistniały, nie wynikały z wieloznaczności dokumentów, jak w przypadku Vaticanum II, lecz z oporu ówczesnej Europy przeciwko przyjęciu jasno zdefiniowanej doktryny katolickiej.

Sapienti sat.

piątek, 14 września 2012

What's wrong with aggiornamento?

Almost the whole world is aware of the reason why John XXIII announced the Second Vatican Council: aggiornamento -  updating. Updating to the world which had changed a lot in the first part of the twentieth century. The idea seemed to be flawless, but from the point of view of the Catholic Church it is absolutely unacceptable. Our Saviour Jesus Christ has said clearly: Now is the judgment of the world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. (John 12,31) and: I will not now speak many things with you. For the prince of this world: cometh: and in me he hath not any thing. But that the world may know that I love the Father: and as the Father hath given me commandments, so do I. Arise, let us go hence. (John 14, 30-31) Saint James adds: Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world becometh an enemy of God. (James 4,4)
And what has John XXIII done? He summoned a council to strike up a friendship with the world.

Sapienti sat.

sobota, 8 września 2012

Katolicka architektura sakralna - część druga. // the Catholic sacral architecture - part two.

Dawno dawno temu przedstawiłem kilka świątyń zbudowanych przed tragicznym rokiem 1962. Dziś chciałbym pokazać Wam kolejne z nich.

Long time ago I presented a few churches built before the tragic year 1962.
Today I would like to show You other.

Lungho tempo fa ho presentato qualche chiese edificate prima del tragico anno 1962.
Oggi voglio mostrarvi altre.

Bazylika Najświętszego Serca (Sacré Coeur) w Paryżu.
Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Sacré Coeur) in Paris.
Basilica del Santo Cuore (Sacré Coeur) in Parigi.

Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej na Jasnej Górze (widok z lotu ptaka).
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Częstochowa on Jasna Góra (aerial view).
Il Santuario della Nostra Signora di Cestocova a Monte Chiaro (vista aerea).

Wnętrze bazyliki Sanktuarium Jasnogórskiego.
The interior of the basilica of the Jasna Góra Sanctuary.
L'interno della basilica del Santuario. 

Słynący łaskami obraz Matki Bożej Jasnogórskiej.
The revered icon of Our Lady from Jasna Góra.
L'icona di Santa Maria di Cestocova. 

Katedra Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Salisbury z najwyższą wieżą kościelną w Wielkiej Brytanii.
The Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Salisbury with the highest church spire in the United Kingdom.
La cattedrale di Santa Maria in Salisbury con la torre più alta in Gran Bretagna.

Wnętrze kaplicy Trójcy Świętej na zamku w Lublinie z rusko-bizantyjskimi freskami z XVw.
The interior of the chapel of the Holy Trinity in the castle of Lublin with the Russian-Byzantine frescoes from the XVcen.
L'interno della capella di Santissima Trinità nel castello di Lublin con gli affreschi russi-bizantini dal Quattrocento.

Katedra Narodzin Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Mediolanie.
The Milan Cathedral of Saint Mary Nascent.
Il Duomo di Santa Maria Nascente a Milano.

Kościół św. Jana Kantego w Chicago.
Saint John Cantius church in Chicago.
La chiesa di Giovanni Canzio a Chicago.

Archikolegiata Najświętszej Maryi Panny i św. Aleksego w Tumie.
The collegiate church of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Alexius in Tum.
La collegiata di Santa Maria e Santo Alessio a Tum.

piątek, 7 września 2012

Perche aggiornamento è un'idea sbagliata?

Quasi tutto il mondo sa la premessa di Giovanni XXIII per annunciare Concilio Vaticano II: aggiornamento. Aggiornamento del mondo che è cambiato molto nella prima parte del ventesimo secolo. Il concetto sembrava perfetto. Ma dal punto di vista della Chiesa Cattolica c'è un processo inaccettabile. Il Signore ha detto chiaramente: Non parlerò più a lungo con voi, perché viene il principe del mondo; egli non ha nessun potere su di me, ma bisogna che il mondo sappia che io amo il Padre e faccio quello che il Padre mi ha comandato. Alzatevi, andiamo via di qui". (Giovanni  14,30-31) Ora è il giudizio di questo mondo; ora il principe di questo mondo sarà gettato fuori. (Giovanni 12, 31) Santo Giacomo aggiunge: Gente infedele! Non sapete che amare il mondo è odiare Dio? Chi dunque vuole essere amico del mondo si rende nemico di Dio. (Giacomo 4,4). E che cosa ha fatto Giovanni XXIII? Ha annunciato un concilio per fare amicizia con il mondo. 

Sapienti sat.

About the ridiculousness of the modern ecumenism.

If You opened any book about the consequences of the Second Vatican Council, You would certainly find a paragraph or chapter full of praises for the Council, because of great progress in the sphere of ecumenism. It would be written about the "opening" of the Church to the world and about rediscovering the Gospel in the context of contacts with other religions. Beatiful worlds, alas completely unfounded. But let's start from the beginning.

The term "ecumenical" is not new. It was used even in antiquity, but in totally different meaning. When one heard about an "ecumenical council" it meant simply that it applied to the whole Church, in contrary to e.g. a synod. The ecumenism itself was also seen in a completely different way. It was a striving for reaching the absolute unity of Faith (Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.[Matt. 28,19]), but not in the way of consensus, but of fighting doctrinal errors. That's why Council of Trent was summoned and so many encyclicals were written. Simultaneously many missionary congregations were founded in order to convey Saviour's Message to the furthest ends of the world, just as He wished.

Today the situation is completely different. The Lord's order to teach the Catholic Faith is forgotten by many. Instead of being apostles, the majority of hierarchs prefer to organise ecumenical meetings. In practise it means that they assure all non-Catholics that it is absolutely fine not to convert to the Catholic Church, and that their faith is wonderful, maybe even more "Godly" than the Catholic one. As a reason for such actions they cite Christ's prayer for His disciples (John 17,21): That they all may be one. They think that because of never-ending "discussions" the unity of Faith will be reached. To refute this way of thinking one may mention an unbelieveable number of apostasies and divorces in the last 50 years and the enormous secularisation which has never happened in the whole history of the Church.

I do not intend to prove that the modern ecumenism is a huge mistake by giving examples; there are many of them on the Internet. I would rather concentrated on that little excerpt from the Gospel of St. John. It became "trendy" among ecumenists due to John Paul II who, in his first encyclical Redemptor Hominis, presented this fragment as a foundation of the whole modern ecumenical movement (chap.1 no.6). His quotation, however, must be regarded as an error. It had been taken out of the context, what may be proven easily by reading the whole 17 chapter of the Gospel of St. John. As it is relatively short I put it here:

17:1. These things Jesus spoke: and lifting up his eyes to heaven, he said: the hour is come. Glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee.
17:2. As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he may give eternal life to all whom thou hast given him.
17:3. Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
17:4. I have glorified thee on the earth; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
17:5. And now glorify thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the glory which I had, before the world was, with thee.
17:6. I have manifested thy name to the men whom thou hast given me out of the world. Thine they were: and to me thou gavest them. And they have kept thy word.
17:7. Now they have known that all things which thou hast given me are from thee:
17:8. Because the words which thou gavest me, I have given to them. And they have received them and have known in very deed that I came out from thee: and they have believed that thou didst send me.
17:9. I pray for themI pray not for the world, but for them whom thou hast given me: because they are thine.
17:10. And all my things are thine, and thine are mine: and I am glorified in them.
17:11. And now I am not in the world, and these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name whom thou hast given me: that they may be one, as we also are.
17:12. While I was with them, I kept them in thy name. Those whom thou gavest me have I kept: and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition: that the scripture may be fulfilled.
17:13. And now I come to thee: and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy filled in themselves.
17:14. I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them: because they are not of the world, as I also am not of the world.
17:15. I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from evil.
17:16. They are not of the world, as I also am not of the world.
17:17. Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth.
17:18. As thou hast sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.
17:19. And for them do I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.
17:20. And not for them only do I pray, but for them also who through their word shall believe in me.
17:21. That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
17:22. And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them: that, they may be one, as we also are one.
17:23. I in them, and thou in me: that they may be made perfect in one: and the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me.
17:24. Father, I will that where I am, they also whom thou hast given me may be with me: that they may see my glory which thou hast given me, because thou hast loved me before the creation of the world.
17:25. Just Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee. And these have known that thou hast sent me.
17:26. And I have made known thy name to them and will make it known: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

Jesus, as may be clearly seen now, does not pray for all people but only for those who were given to Him. He does not pray for strenghts for them to organise inter-religious meetings, but for the one, strong faith. A faith based on Christ, not on inter-religious agreements.

To conclude, the modern ecumenism is unfounded not only because of its rotten fruits, but also because there are no true theological foundations which would justify its existence.

Sapienti sat.

czwartek, 6 września 2012

A movie worth watching.

I would like to recommend a movie which I came across on Youtube. It summarises arguments in favour of Church doctrine about the Real Presence of Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

 Sapienti sat.

środa, 5 września 2012

Latin, come back!

The 50th anniversary of the opening of Vaticanum II is coming. One could have thought that it would be a period in which the conciliar errors would be propagated with doubled force. But, as half century ago, the Pope desires to remind and highlight the special role of Latin in the Church. In 1962 John XXIII did it, signing on the altar in St. Peter's Basilica the apostolic constitution Veterum Sapientia. Today Benedict XVI does the same. As Vatican Insider reported, the Pope is to publish a new motu proprio in which he will commission creation of Pontificia Academia Latinitatis - an institution which will promote Latin not only in ecclesiastical, but also in lay environments.

Gratias agimus Sancte Pater!

Łacino, wróć!

Zbliża się wielkimi krokami rocznica 50-lecia rozpoczęcia obrad Soboru Watykańskiego II. Mogłoby się wydawać, że będzie to okres, w którym ze zdwojoną siłą będzie się promować soborowe błędy. Jednak tak jak pół wieku temu Papież pragnie przypomnieć i podkreślić szczególną rolę łaciny w Kościele. W 1962 roku zrobił to Jan XXIII podpisując na ołtarzu pod konfesją św. Piotra konstytucję apostolską Veterum Sapientia, a dziś czyni to Benedykt XVI. Jak podał Vatican Insider Papież ma wkrótce opublikować nowe motu proprio, w którym powoła Pontificia Academia Latinitatis - organ mający za zadanie promować łacinę nie tylko w środowiskach kościelnych, ale także świeckich.

Gratis agimus Sancte Pater!

wtorek, 6 marca 2012

The problem of tolerance

I return after a long break caused by the lack of inspiration. I decided to simply put writing aside and come back to it in the right time. Maybe this time is today. I would like to share with You my thought about tolerance, which has recently become an utterly fashionable slogan. In spite of its apparent logic it is in fact an internally contradictory concept which may be easily disproved, using one example.

Let's assume that someone is "intolerant". He speaks infavourably about a group of people. A few people would come on stage straightaway, accusing the person of being intolerant. Is this, however, just? Since we are obliged to tolerate every outlook, why we should not tolerate one of them? What is more, when we accuse someone of being intolerant then we do not tolerate that person and therefore become intolerant. This is how a vicious circle is created, which proves the lack of logic in the currently promoted idea of tolerance.

Problem tolerancji.

Powracam po długiej przerwie spowodowanej brakiem weny. Postanowiłem po prostu odłożyć na jakiś czas pisanie i wrócić do niego we właściwym czasie. Możliwe że nastał właśnie dziś. Chciałem się podzielić moją krótką myślą na temat tolerancji, tak modnej ostatnimi czasy. Mimo pozornej logiki jest to koncepcja sprzeczna wewnętrznie, którą łatwo obalić za pomocą jednego prostego przykładu.

Załóżmy że ktoś jest "nietolerancyjny". Wyraża się niepochlebnie o jakiejś grupie ludzi. Natychmiast pojawią się osoby, które będą oskarżać ową osobę o nietolerancję. Jednak czy słusznie? Skoro obowiązuje powszechna tolerancja poglądów dlaczego więc mamy nie tolerować któregoś z nich? Gdy oskarżamy kogoś o nietolerancję, wówczas sami nie tolerujemy tej osoby i sami stajemy się nietolerancyjni. Tak oto powstaje błędne koło, które dowodzi braku logiki w lansowanej dzisiaj koncepcji tolerancji.